Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My FIRST ever Client : MAKEOVER

Hi everyone! I'm so excited to let you know that I was able to conduct my first ever makeover to a client. LOL! Well, this just took me from 7 to 11 in the morning. HA! I'm just a novice MUA.*wink

Okay, let's begin!

She's my client, a 17-year-old. We're actually preparing for a photoshoot needed for her upcoming 18th birthday in December. Having that in mind, I don't want to create a "so-dramatic" look on her, I'm just aiming to achieve a "better skin" focusing on correcting and concealing considering her acne scars and pimples. Sorry, I would not be able to provide you a detailed products used. Well, I can say..I would work on it soon. :)

Here's the result:

Please bear in mind that I'm just a beginner and I want you to know that I'm open for criticisms since this is my first work. :)

For her hair, she wanted to use some hair extensions aiming for a half updo.

I've used a hair straightener to curl some hair to go with the hair extensions. On the top, I've just backcombed then put hairspray and some bobby pins and on the middle part, I've just twisted and encircled some hair and put bobby pins and of course, hairspray for finishing.

I've also helped her pick the outfit for the photoshoot, anyways she would also wear her gown. So, here's the OOTD:

Lovely, isn't it? *wink I hope you like my first work. Please share your thoughts on the comment box below.

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