Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Yummy Pancakesss!!!

Hi everyone! How's your day going so far? I hope you're doing just fine! 

I've been craving for pancakes since last week.And since I want it to be homemade, I've purchased the ingredients last time I went to the supermarket. So, today is the day! I woke up as early as 7 am...hmmm! That's early for me! 

Here are the ingredients: 
✔Magnolia Pancake & Waffle Mix (400 g)
✔1cup of water


This is actually very easy to do, instructions are provided at the back of the packaging. 


✔Make sure that the pancake mix is thoroughly dissolved.
✔Preheat a pan for a minute at a low fire
✔You can put a small amount of cooking oil if you want. (My no cooking oil version is better! )
✔You can use a measuring cup in pouring the mixture, a shaped molder is also a great idea! 
✔Check the pancake from time to time, when you see bubbles on top, wait for about 8 seconds and it's time to flip it! 

Here's my 4-layer pancakes with butter, sugar and Nips!


How about you ladies, do you have your own versions of pancakes? Share them on the comment box below! 

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Hi everyone!
Yeah, I know! It's kinda too soon  however it's too obvious that I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! LOL

Well... halloween is really just around the corner, isn't it? And whenever that "season" comes, I just don't know how to feel... be paranoid about some sort of paranormal happenings / encounter (since my weirdo side could be very active during that time) or just be thrilled about the horror stories!? Hmmm... What I'm sure of,  as early as October, a lot of "gimmicks" are certainly "in". There are Pinoy books full of ghost stories, halloween parties including costume contests, TV programs with halloween themed episodes, horror movies, etc.

This year, I'm actually looking forward to do a halloween makeup just for fun but I don't have any idea how I would be able to do that. That's the problem! LOL So, since I have that attitude of doing my  research about a certain idea beforehand,  I want to share with you this Youtube channel that I've recently found. This will surely capture your interest because their works are absolutely COOL!

This video is one of my favorites, it's kinda boring to watch at first since she's not talking or it doesn't have any background music but I tell you, you'll finish watching it because it's simply AMAZING! The finish look is just too scary! I love it!!! Anyway, I don't intend to try that since it's very tedious and I don't have enough budget, LOL!

I've also got some face painting ideas here. I love her works! However, it totally requires a lot of practice in order to do something like that. LOL

Well, I don't have a final plan yet. These are just some ideas to think about. Hmmm...

How about you ladies? Are you excited for Halloween? Share your thoughts! :)

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

HAMLET, my adorable Syrian hamster

Hi everyone! How are you? Sorry, I wasn't able to post lately.

Well, I'm just so excited to let you know what's keeping me "busy" these days! *wink

This is not actually my first time to have a hamster as a pet. Back in 2010, I had a pair of Siberian hamsters.

Unfortunately, I had them for just four months. The male hamster only lived for two months, I was away for like 3 days but then I've requested  my sister to take care of them. When I came home, he was okay. The following day, I just found him dead, that was October of 2010. :(  The other one died after new year. I've found her dead one morning, with ants all over her. I've been so depressed for what happened to them, I felt that I didn't took care of them that much.

Just this August, my boyfriend and I bought a pair of Syrian hamsters as a present for his niece's birthday.
We are in-charge to take care of them since his niece is only a 8-year-old. This somehow awaken the pet lover in me. We placed the 5 gallon talk on top of the cabinet, to prevent his toddler nephew to reach it. After 2 days, the female hamster was gone. It seems like she climbed on the water bottle to get out. We looked for her everywhere but she's nowhere to be found. :(

Because of that, my boyfriend and I decided to purchase a bigger tank for Hamlet, the male hamster.  We have the 15 gallon tank now and we also bought a seesaw tunnel for him. I started searching for DIY hamster toys online and I've tried making some of them. I've made the tissue roll cardboard to make a tunnel and also the nipa hut made of popsicle sticks. We also got him a friend, Megan, a female Syrian hamster.

We have tried placing them in the 15 gallon tank, the first 5 minutes turned out okay but the next minute have been horrible. Megan, who is a little bit bigger than Hamlet is fond of chasing him and starting a fight. My boyfriend immediately decided to separate them. We put Megan in the 5 gallon tank. From what I've read, older Syrian hamsters are territorial and could kill other hamsters. So, they are not meant to be placed in one tank. 
The artistic side of me worked for this. Purely made of popsicle sticks, wooden sticks for the stand, non-toxic glue and glue sticks. For the tunnel, my boyfriend used a recycled water bottle and electrical tape. My most favorite detail on this is the hanging bridge... super cute, right? :)

I'll never stop until I am contented with how a certain project looks like. So, I've added some details on it like the roof on the nipa hut since I've noticed Hamlet is fond of climbing on top of that box and may be a way for escape so I came up with a roof plus a tower-like structure on his way to the tunnel.

We noticed that Hamlet is also fond of climbing on the tower, so I had to remodel the structure for safety purposes. :)

Here is Hamlet, enjoying his mini-palace :)

Hamlet is so adorable, isn't he?

It's always fulfilling to have a pet. It's like having a child, I guess.I don't have a child yet, so that's just my opinion.  LOL

I want to hold him, but I guess were not yet ready for that. He's getting used to my smell right now. In the next few days, I hope.Well, I'm so excited for that! *wink

How about you ladies? What kind of pets do you have? Share your stories on the comment box below. :)

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