About LES

My real name is Leslie Ann, but I prefer to be called Les. My parents call me Lie (pronounced as 'LEE). I am 23-year-old and my birthday is fast approaching! YAY :D I am a Registered Nurse (RN) since 2010 but I've never been employed as one. This is actually not a rare scenario nowadays because of the unemployment crisis plus the overflowing supply of newly licensed nurses. But my situation is quite different, I don't wanna be a Nurse. Nursing school was difficult but I have surpassed it all. I was extremely happy when I graduated, it was as if at last, I have fulfilled my mission, my parents dream. I've taken the Nurse Licensure Examination on July 2010 and immediately applied for a call center job and I got in. It had been a challenging job especially that I get nervous easily. After almost two months, the results of NLE was released. And after passing the NLE, I told myself "all my hard work and sacrifices have finally paid off". But then, I was lost. I didn't want to work in the hospital and got tired of working in the call center so I've resigned. I just stayed at home and started my online shop (GMFYC SHOPPE). I have met a business partner and started selling replica bags mainly Louis Vuitton, Chanel & Hermes. It was a good source of income, I've never asked any money from my parents since I've graduated. I've even contributed for our expenses. However, it was not a stable business, there were days when I've got a lot of orders coming up but then after a year, less customers became interested into these type bags considering the price of course, so mostly my customers were from abroad. I became inactive with my online business since the later part of 2012. I came back to the call center industry. 

Now, I'm having interest in working at clinics and also aiming to go abroad. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi les,

    First of all, i am beejay, from davao city.
    Thankyou so much because i just read ur article regarding scam, i almost took a bite from it... The name of the scammer is shane cotty.. But then, at first i already got this weird feeling that this guy or girl , just send me msg regarding my ipad mini with retina display that i just posted in OLX previously sulit.com. And then he or she asked the same msg that you posted...and now i didnot rply on that msg. Again...thanks.

    Just sharing....
    Have a nice day...
