Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Hi everyone!
Yeah, I know! It's kinda too soon  however it's too obvious that I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! LOL

Well... halloween is really just around the corner, isn't it? And whenever that "season" comes, I just don't know how to feel... be paranoid about some sort of paranormal happenings / encounter (since my weirdo side could be very active during that time) or just be thrilled about the horror stories!? Hmmm... What I'm sure of,  as early as October, a lot of "gimmicks" are certainly "in". There are Pinoy books full of ghost stories, halloween parties including costume contests, TV programs with halloween themed episodes, horror movies, etc.

This year, I'm actually looking forward to do a halloween makeup just for fun but I don't have any idea how I would be able to do that. That's the problem! LOL So, since I have that attitude of doing my  research about a certain idea beforehand,  I want to share with you this Youtube channel that I've recently found. This will surely capture your interest because their works are absolutely COOL!

This video is one of my favorites, it's kinda boring to watch at first since she's not talking or it doesn't have any background music but I tell you, you'll finish watching it because it's simply AMAZING! The finish look is just too scary! I love it!!! Anyway, I don't intend to try that since it's very tedious and I don't have enough budget, LOL!

I've also got some face painting ideas here. I love her works! However, it totally requires a lot of practice in order to do something like that. LOL

Well, I don't have a final plan yet. These are just some ideas to think about. Hmmm...

How about you ladies? Are you excited for Halloween? Share your thoughts! :)

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