Thursday, July 11, 2013


Hi everyone! How's your day?

Today, I'll be showing you my first ever lip products from Revlon. *wink

It was just delivered this morning. By the way, I got these from an auction in facebook, and of course before bidding I verified first if these products are US authentic, and they are for sure.

I got these for only Php225.00 each. Such a steal, right? coz from what I've read, these cost like Php300+ in the market right now. :)

Let's now check out each of these, shall we?

Lovely color, I must say. And take a look at the cap's design, so cute!

Take a look at the swatch:

From left to right: one swipe, three swipes. The picture on the left was taken under a normal light while the picture on the right was taken using flash. The pigmentation is I think, just right for me, I want it to appear as sheer as possible, hmm.. it still depends on the event/occasion of course! :)

Let's now take a look at the other product.

Looking at the color, made me say, "It's just a usual red lipstick".

But, let's take a look at the swatch:

This just made me say, "Oh, it's not a usual red after all, it's somewhat coral-ly pink-y red!" Very interesting color! :)

I'll try these out for sure! Will give you an update the soonest. *wink

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