Monday, July 8, 2013


Hi everyone! How's your day going so far? Mine's a little bit crazy...By the way, today I'll be sharing with you my review about the best lip balm I've ever used!

Presenting ....

YES! The best lip balm ever! It's the Chap Ice Moisture Lip Balm which has SPF 15,  the only lip balm that truly moisturizes my dry lips! Just to let you know, having dry lips is a problem for me ever since! There was one time when my lips became so chapped and pale, looks like something you've seen on Walking Dead. LOL. Seriously, sometimes I even wake up, either my lower or upper lip has a crack at the center and quite swelling, really painful and so annoying. *sad face

I have tried other lip balms like Nivea Lip Care in Soft Rose and Maybelline Lip Smooth Color and Care. The lip balm from Nivea has a very thick texture and quite annoying on the lips, leaving you feeling sticky and umcomfortable. The other one from Maybelline was okay but it delivers more of its color properties, it'll give your lips a natural healthy color but I was not satisfied with the moisture its giving me.

So, last month  when I was checking something at Handyman, I've spotted this on the aisle near the cashier and it was on sale that time so, since I badly need a lip balm that will soothe my dry chapped lips, I grabbed one!

Yes, it was on sale like 20% off, as far as I can recall. I got two lip balms for Php50+ ($1) ! YAY! Quite a steal! *wink

Well, I bought this hoping that it can solve my problem with my lips. I was not familiar with the brand and haven't heard of this before but there's no harm in trying, right? :) Sorry for the not-so-clear picture above. Anyway, that's just the Drug Facts:

Active Ingredients                                                                               Purpose
    Octinoxate (7.5%), Oxybenzone (3.5%)                                        Sunscreen
    Petrolatum (40.7%)                                                                    Skin Protectant

Yes, it contains Petrolatum, other term for Petroleum Jelly which I've also tried but I just can't stand its very thick consistency on the lips. This lip balm is also colorless and odorless, very plain which I love! I read that there are fruity formulas too, depends on the availability though. You can check other products of OraLabs, the manufacturer, on

What I love:
  • the product itself is truly amazing very moisturizing but not so thick- I really love it! I apply this every night before going to bed and it just gives me great moisturized lips in the morning. I also apply this before putting on lipstick :)
  • very affordable! two lip balms for Php50+ !
  • SPF 15 : I'm not actually after the SPF of this lip balm but considering it has that level of SPF, it's actually a PLUS :)
  • the size ,just like the other lip balms, makes it very handy, very easy to slide into pocket or pouch
  • the packaging is okay, nothing really special- its not actually a big deal for me
What I hate:

           Finally, my hunt for the best lip balm has come to an end. Since I got this lip balm, I have the peace of mind that I'll never have painful cracked lips, ever again! 

For all the ladies experiencing dry cracked lips, try this out and be amazed with the result!

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1 comment:

  1. I have this lip balm and I thought it was amazing I too I have tried many and this seemed to be the best. I had bought it and always used it then I wanted to see the review for this lip balm I have no complaints it truley is amazing
