Wednesday, July 10, 2013

DIY : Brush Guards made from Shower Ball

Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing fine. :)

Few weeks ago, I've been reading on the importance of brush guards. Well, we all know that brush guards protect and prolong the life of these brushes and also used when drying them to preserve their shapes. I've found online stores selling these for Php 300+ each pack. Honestly I find it as an unnecessary purchase coz it seems so easy to do; however, I need a meter of mesh for me to do it. So, I've tried searching online and found sellers on ebay selling one meter for only a dollar plus free shipping but I have to wait for a month. Ugh! I hate waiting! LOL. I've also looked for this mesh at Handyman and Ace Hardware... unfortunately, it's unavailable.

Last night, I just figured out this idea and I'll be sharing it with you. This is a great project especially for all the makeup enthusiasts out there. I'm telling you, this is very easy to make and the materials are very affordable as well!

So without further adieu, let's proceed with the tutorial :)

Here are the materials you need:

  • shower ball of any color (I bought this at SM department store for only Php20.00)
  • pair of scissors
  • a needle and a thread of your desired color
  1. Gather your makeup brushes, set aside.
  2. Now, hold your shower ball and notice the white rope that binds the whole thing together. Next thing to do is to untie the rope so the mesh will unfold (take a look at the picture on the right).
    Here's a closer look:
  3. It's now time to take one of your makeup brushes and measure the length and width (for the brush guard)
  4. Get your needle and thread now and get those fingers working ! *wink 

 Take a look at the picture on the bottom right - that's how easy it is! You don't have to be a sewing expert to do this, okay? :)

     5. Make as many brush guards as you want! :)

Note: When you're done,you can also tie the rope back around your shower ball just like what I did. *wink

I hope you like it. What are you waiting for, make your own brush guards now! :)

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1 comment:

  1. Excellent! I was looking for a simple solution with items around the house and this is perfect. Well done.
