Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Skincare Regimen

Hi everyone! How's your day going so far? I hope you're all doing great!

Today, I'll be sharing with you my current skincare regimen. :)

I was a loyal user of Pond's facial foam for the most part of my adolescence.
Until last year, a friend introduced me to St. Ives Apricot Scrub, the one for blemish and blackhead control. BLACKHEADS, my worst enemy! LOL I am nearly done with the tube right now, and I must say, this product is definitely amazing! It reduced my blackheads and somewhat minimized the pores around my nose. I use this at least twice a week, making sure not to over exfoliate. I'm  in love with the fresh-clean scent..and oh, before I forget, I loooovvee the price as well! So affordable :) I would definitely re-purchase!*wink

That same friend introduced me to VMV Fine Finish, Pore minimizer. This one is quite pricey like around Php500+ ($12+) for just 150mL. This product gives an instant minimized pores! However, I feel that it has too much alcohol in it so I opted not to use it as often. I'm just halfway through the bottle now.

And about three months ago, I started using Olay Total Effects products (a set given to me) which includes the Age defying facial wash, Day cream that has SPF15 and Anti-ageing night cream. These products totally changed my skincare routine and it absolutely gave me wonderful results!

I'm using the Age defying facial wash in the morning and at night. During the day, I apply the day cream .. at the beginning, I've noticed that it somewhat gives me an oily-shiny face and then I observed my application and found out that I've been applying too much product on my face! Ugh! Maybe since it is lightweight, I wasn't able to watch how much product I need to apply. And since I have a dry skin to start off, that's the reason why I kinda feel oily few minutes after the application but the truth is, the product just moisturizes my skin. It amazingly gives me a smooth and oh-so-soft skin! I also love the fact that this day cream has a pump, It's way convenient to use compared to others contained in a jar. I also love the mild scent. :)

At night, after using the facial foam, I apply the anti-ageing night cream. This one is actually comparable to lotion products, which is thick. I also watch my application and make sure that I don't apply too much product or else my face will end up feeling greasy! And to be honest, even applying just a little bit of product, I usually stay infront of the fan for few minutes for faster drying. Haha I don't know if some of you are also fond of doing this! *wink

And just last month, I started using Celeteque Acne solutions oil control toner and Hydration alcohol-free toner. This is actually a "okay" product. I don't notice much difference when I don't apply it. The scent is okay for me, very mild. I apply this after cleansing. During those days that I need to wear makeup, I opt to use the oil control toner.

I also have Celeteque Hydration Facial moisturizer which is oil-free. I love the way it moisturizes my skin yet doesn't give an oily-face feeling. It's clear and has no scent. I apply this after the toner on days that I'm wearing makeup since it somewhat makes the application smoother and makes my makeup kinda last longer, I'm not that sure but anyway, I'm still observing how this product affects it.

I also have the Celeteque Advanced Anti-aging anti-wrinkle facial moisturizer. I use this at night after applying Olay night cream. I usually apply this around my eyes, forehead, around my nose and chin area.

How about you ladies? Feel free to share your own skincare regimen. :)

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